
Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online Free Streaming Megavideo

The search for Debbie Pelt becomes official when her parents come to Bon Temps to ask Andy to look for her, but Sookie is afraid of what they—and Alcide—might find out. Meanwhile, Roman mulls Bill and Eric’s proposal to do away with Russell Edgington, though Salome has her own separate vetting process; and Jason has an uneasy reunion with an influential teacher from high school Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online.

The day somebody’s not having sex in Bon Temps is the day the town went up in smoke (probably from a fiery hook-up the day before).

Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online. But in True Blood Season 5, Episode 3, the sex quotient rockets higher than ever when three “couples” do it for the first time, according to TV Line’s Michael Ausiello.
Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online.
What could he mean by “couples”? Does that indicate the pairings are not in relationships, or that there’s some unusual about them?

We can rule out:Bill + Sookie. Eric + Sookie. Eric + his sister. Jessica + Jason. Jason + pretty much everybody else.

So who do you think it could be?
Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online.
Last night’s episode of True Blood proved to be something of a theology lesson, as we were given a brief breakdown of the story of Lilith as it pertains to True Blood lore. It seems like this will be a big focus in the series’ fifth season. Not only do we have the promo for next Sunday night’s episode to show you, but HBO also released a video that focuses on the Authority and their divided beliefs on the subject of the interpretation of their bible.

Before we get to the Authority video, here’s a look at Episode 3 (“Whatever I Am, You Made Me”). When last night’s episode left off, Tara had run off from Sookie’s house to parts unknown. Based on the promo for next week’s episode, she may be on the hunt…
Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online.
Was that Hoyt dressed up and all goth looking? And are those Debbie’s parents talking to Alcide about their missing daughter? I was sort of wondering if anyone cared that Debbie was gone, seeing as Alcide hasn’t expressed much concern. Then again, he has other things on his mind lately. In other news, it seems like Jessica smells something she likes.
Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online.
As for the authority, it looks like Eric and Bill may have found their way out of of the true death, at least for now. But after last night’s episode, added to this video, which explores the topic of vampire religion, we should probably expect to get to know the Authority a lot better this season.

Given that religion plays a focus in the series, I like that we’re starting to see that vampires have their own system of beliefs and that, just as humans are split on how the bible should be interpreted, so too are vampires when it comes to the interpretation of Lilith’s story. It should be great to see how this is further developed as Season 2 goes on. And I’m also really curious to see if Lilith turns out to be a living vampire. I think she’s referred to as a martyr, which means it’s probably assumed that she’s dead, but wouldn’t it be interesting if some vampire showed up claiming to be her? Just a theory…

Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online.

Next, we find Jason Stackhouse (Ryan Kwanten) dealing with the spontaneous arrival of Reverend Steve Newlin (Michael McMillian), a newly turned vampire. Jason doesn’t want to let him in. As Jason puts it, his fangs are like “twin hard-ons.” The Reverend glamours Jason into letting him inside, then removes part of the coercion, so Jason can hear what he has to say with a somewhat open mind. He tapes Jason’s mouth shut, but asks Jason that he remembers that he asked for it. Long story short, Steve wasn’t upset that his wife slept with Jason a few seasons ago. Instead, he is upset that Jason slept with his wife. Yes, he has realized he’s “a gay vampire American,” and he’s in love with Jason. Jason is flattered, but absolutely not gay. He does mention that Steve’s “I love you” was the nicest he’s ever received. Thankfully, just before the Reverend can get rough with Jason, Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) storms in to save the day, claiming him as her own. With a new vampire queen mentality, due to the absence of King Bill, Jason and Jessica get rid of Reverend Steve, at least for now.

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